Eye Medical Center of Fresno Welcomes You Back!
We are pleased to announce that Eye Medical Center of Fresno is now fully open to receive all patients.
Due to COVID-19, EMC had previously been limiting availability to those patients with emergency eye concerns. However, you may now make appointments with our specialists regarding any aspect of your eye health.
Before you make your appointment, please be aware of the following precautions we are taking to preserve the safety of both patients and staff:
- You will be asked to maintain 6 feet of distance when possible.
- You will be asked to wear a mask or face covering inside the building.
- Basic virus screening questions will be asked of every patient.
- Frequent wiping of surfaces will be done by staff.
- Dispensers with hand sanitizer will be available, and we encourage the use of these in addition to hand washing with soap and water whenever possible.
- To limit crowding, you may be asked to wait outside of the lobby or in your car until called on your phone.
- Patients’ escorts and/or family members who are not needed for assistance will be asked to wait outside the building.
We hope to see you soon!
The social distancing didn’t seem like enough. Please wait out in the hallway that is 5 feet across from the bathroom or the elevator. Why even book SO many appointments at one time?